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Let’s say goodbye to the spreadsheets in 2016

BY Ed Worsfold

In Sept. 2012, I wrote a blogpost on the need to move away from spreadsheets towards a purpose-built platform for managing customer communications content and rules.

In those intervening years, the spreadsheet has maintained it’s dominance in CCM (old habits die hard), but many customers have joined the fold and adopted CCM platforms like Messagepoint to reap the benefits of 360 business user control over their messaging content.

The move can be quite transformational for an organization. For one, the status quo for most of our customers was frustrating, expensive, and time-consuming. Thousands of dollars to change a comma. Six weeks to fix a typo. Many months to plan a refresh. Or weeks and months just to perform regression testing because of a few content changes.

And now, as one of customers said recently, “I think about what I want to change in the morning, and release it by the afternoon”. Now that’s transformational. And its not rocket science.

So, as we head into 2016, let’s lose the spreadsheet, and gain the agility you’ve always wanted in your customer communications practice.

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