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How CCM and Customer Journey Orchestration Enable Highly Personalized, Omni-channel Customer Journeys

BY Ed Worsfold

Customer journey mapping solutions are being widely adopted to organize and coordinate customer experiences and communications. But these technologies only map the desired sequence of events, leaving a huge gap in the management of the various communications required throughout a journey, and ultimately the orchestration of those journeys.

In this on-demand webinar, Patrick Kehoe, EVP of Product Management at Messagepoint outlines how organizations can enhance customer journeys by leveraging CCM to deliver hybrid communications that span both print and digital channels.

  1. How to use CCM as a central communications management platform that creates significant operational efficiencies while improving the quality of communications overall
  2. How to build customer journeys that align with customer preferences for both print and digital experiences
  3. How to achieve advanced personalization to enhance customer experiences and increase response

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