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Messagepoint QA Module

Gain control over document accuracy with advanced quality assurance capabilities.

Messagepoint QA module screenshot Messagepoint QA module screenshot

A more intelligent way to review and proof your complex documents.

Ensuring your complex documents are accurate is too important to be left to a patchwork of emailed files, printed proofs, and excel tracking. Messagepoint’s QA Module is an add-on to the Messagepoint platform that enables your teams to take control over the quality assurance process with task management, real-time visibility into status, and advanced visualization and tracking for the changes required in your critical customer communications.


Messagepoint QA module side-by-side document comparing

Streamline proofing processes.

With side-by-side document version comparisons, detailed version tracking, and on-screen annotations, the Messagepoint QA Module makes it easy to see where changes need to be made and whether they are complete.

Messagepoint QA module

Gain control over complex projects.

Manage tasks across teams and assign to individuals or groups to ensure your deadlines are met. Gain complete control with customizable workflows and total visibility into tasks by date, by assignee, status, subject, attribute or tag and the ability to re-assign tasks on the fly to optimize team workloads.

Messagepoint QA module with pie chart

Understand status with real-time visibility.

With easily configurable, detailed dashboards and reporting, your management and project teams always know the status of quality assurance processes for complex documents and multi-stakeholder projects.

Messagepoint QA module Screenshot

Resolve and manage issues.

Get a single view of outstanding issues in your communications and documents in one place. Group issues by file, assignee, category, status, or subject and drill down to understand the details, re-assign the issue or change status for total control over document accuracy.

messagepoint QA module with list of names

Collaborate with multi-stakeholder proofing and testing teams.

The Messagepoint QA Module enables you to manage and assign tasks and issues across teams to route content updates and approvals to SMEs. The ability to redirect assignments not only enables managers to balance workloads, but also broader visibility and collaboration across multi-functional teams involved in complex proofing processes.

Featured resources

QA Module

Messagepoint QA Module

The Messagepoint QA Module is an add-on to the Messagepoint platform that enables your teams to take control…

Read the brochure

Healthcare Touchpoint Exchange

The Healthcare Touchpoint Exchange is a modern, SaaS solution purpose-built for MAOs to alleviate the burden of annual…

Read the brochure
IDC Leaderboard
eBooks & Whitepapers

Messagepoint is named a leader in the IDC MarketScape for CCM

The IDC MarketScape for CCM positions Messagepoint as a Leader in strategy and capabilities.  “Messagepoint is highly focused…

Read the whitepaper

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